The Mark Call Show – 13 June, 2020
News, commentary, and an extended summary of events for the week ending 13 June, 2020.
News, commentary, and an extended summary of events for the week ending 13 June, 2020.
We've now seen a long-inevitable economic meltdown and debt bubble collapse, even if the wastestream press and complicit politicians blame the Covid-1984 PLANdemic. We've seen the panic-induced one-two punch of the Leftist Lockdowns, and the placebo mask idiocy. And now we've seen Yet Another Attempt to get that long-planned race war/civil var/Thin-Blue-Line War finally kicked off. And this time, it may even succeed, and reach "critical mass". So, what's NEXT […]
This edition of the show will be a bit different than usual. But, of course, so is the current, and so literally satanically well-executed, worldwide meltdown and slide into tyranny. Over the decade or so at this point that host Mark Call has been quoting Revelation 18:4, and advising that we take to heart the advice to "Come out of her, My people," the concept of "follow the money" - […]
By now it's hopefully clear to all those with "eyes to see," that the current war on the once-free American people not only has NOTHING to do with protecting them from Covid-19 [84] but everything to do with establishing a "new world order" Tyranny that they couldn't accomplish without the total destruction of the Constitutional Republic. How do governors, bureaucrats, feckless "police," and even presidents get away with such blatant […]
Host Mark Call has made the point, fairly frequently even, that formerly free people, having traded essential liberty for a little temporary security, and their birthright for nothing more than a cup of pottage, were descending into slavery. Now, we're there. Free people choose; slaves follow orders. And AmeriKa-with-a-K has a LOT of slaves today. But do we have what it takes to say "NO!" to Evil? Warning: Contains strong […]
News, commentary, and an extended summary of events in the AmeriKan Bolshevik Revolution for the week ending 8 May, 2020. And it's time to first "Call BS," and then decide...
News, commentary, and a summary of not only some of the most important AND most overlooked events of the week, but a look at what Americans had better be doing now if they want to avoid the Hell-on-Earth that Big Brother and his Public-Private Partners have planned.
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the most important police state news for the week ending Saturday, 11 April, 2020.