The Mark Call Show – 8 August, 2020
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the events of the tumultuous week ending Saturday, 8 August, 2020.
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the events of the tumultuous week ending Saturday, 8 August, 2020.
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the major events for the week ending Friday, 31 July, 2020.
News, commentary, and a summary of events for the week ending Saturday, 25 July, 2020.
Just how far gone is a society which is so governed by fear that it is willing to commit suicide rather than confront tyranny> The truth is that those who mandate that people harm themselves intend much more than just more economic destruction. "The STUPID Test -- and AmeriKa is failing, catastrophically!"
"When in the Course of human events..." Will this be the last anniversary of the unanimous approval of the Declaration of Independence that formerly-free America is ever allowed to celebrate? As it is, most AmeriKans are already ignorant of Truths which were once universally agreed to be "self-evident:" that we have a Creator, and that our Rights come from him, and are thus "unalienable," since no government of mere fallen […]
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the major events during the week ending Saturday, 27 June, 2020.
This week is a bit different show than usual. And that is important, because the no-longer-veiled attempt to utterly destroy what is left of the constitutional republic is different than anything that has happened before in history. So Mark takes a look at a vital question. "When the foundations are DESTROYED, what can - and SHOULD - the righteous do?"
We've now seen a long-inevitable economic meltdown and debt bubble collapse, even if the wastestream press and complicit politicians blame the Covid-1984 PLANdemic. We've seen the panic-induced one-two punch of the Leftist Lockdowns, and the placebo mask idiocy. And now we've seen Yet Another Attempt to get that long-planned race war/civil var/Thin-Blue-Line War finally kicked off. And this time, it may even succeed, and reach "critical mass". So, what's NEXT […]
By now it's hopefully clear to all those with "eyes to see," that the current war on the once-free American people not only has NOTHING to do with protecting them from Covid-19 [84] but everything to do with establishing a "new world order" Tyranny that they couldn't accomplish without the total destruction of the Constitutional Republic. How do governors, bureaucrats, feckless "police," and even presidents get away with such blatant […]