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03-05-2022 Micky Garus
Political Coffee 5-6-2021 Jeff Kropf
National Day of Prayer is today: https://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/
Joe Biden issues Day of Prayer proclamation without mentioning God at all:
Rally for Rep Mike Nearman at Marion County Annex May 11 at 9am! https://www.marioncountygop.org/rally_for_rep_nearman?recruiter_id=353517&fbclid=IwAR0JX9R_joUtkv8_Qqetlxzggrlf7XzvBYzwiYi_SPluIssJTj8NHtRMLbc
Civil War in the OR Senate caucus under Fred Girod’s failed leadership: 2 of his RINO’s introduce bill to hurt 2 other conservative R senators: https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/2021/05/05/oregon-senate-republicans-introduce-bill-alter-state-gop-leadership-dallas-heard-dennis-linthicum/4958349001/
Fred Girod allows passage of very bad SB554 gun bill that makes you a felon for not locking up your gun and makes it hard to defend your family: https://nbc16.com/news/local/oregon-senate-passes-firearm-storage-gun-free-zone-legislation
Judge won’t release jailed OR brother to parents for stupid reasons: https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/judge-wont-release-oregon-man-charged-in-us-capitol-attack/
Retired Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson arrest and crowd funding update: https://givesendgo.com/G22ZH
Written by: Jeff Kropf
Copyright 2023 KSLM Radio