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Demo Radio Techno Top Music Radio
03-05-2022 Micky Garus
Hour 1
Political Coffee 1-25-21 Jeff Kropf
Hour 2
Political Coffee 1-25-21 Jeff Kropf
Giving SOS Fagan dangerous new power: HB2908. Allowing SOS Fagan and AG Rosenblum access to bank account records, phone records, text messages and emails following an election law complaint or just random checking. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2908/Introduced
Fish wrapper editorial thinks ORP resolution condemning 10 US House R’s for voting for impeachment is wrong and out of touch. Nearly 75million voters would disagree: https://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/2021/01/editorial-mainstream-republicans-where-are-your-voices.html
Where’s the FBI investigating death threats against conservative journalist Andy Ngo? Instead, they are interviewing Oregonians who went to DC. https://oregoncatalyst.com/51367-journalist-andy-ngo-flees-portland-death-threats-life.html
Written by: Jeff Kropf
Copyright 2023 KSLM Radio