Joshua Michael Visits dorchester and uncovers real corruption within the republican Party!
Sneak preview of Covidland - the mask. Available at: Covidland - Covidland, Documentarysubscribe to our podcost at
As the world spirals deeper in to a hole of famine and government overreach its important we get prepared for the upcoming dark winter. Stock up on storable food, water filtration and get back in touch with being self sufficient. The covid lockdowns were a beta test of whats to come. They are regrouping their efforts and ready to strike on the world again.
Join Joshua Michael Live at the reawaken Tour @ the Volcanoes Stadium. Interviews with Marc Thielman ( kevin Jenkins CEO of Paving the way for the Patients and doctors to connect to one another without the interference of insurance companies and big pharma.
Tune in and listen to the roll out of the new street response teams going permanently in place to get you acclimated to being watched and having your neighbors tell on you. The NWO is here and we are spiraling in to the real life 1984. Listen now Oregon Governor Poll: Oscar Nominees Infected: Visit:
Dive in and listen to marc Thielman speak about his road to running for Governor of Oregon. Please Donate and subscribe
The world is a wild place in 2022. Dive in to how we can navigate these waters and what to look out for. Also Interview with Marc Thielman Republican Candidate for Governor of Oregon. Listen to Full interview on our Noncompliant america Podcast. To Support Marc visit: