Political Coffee 3-16-2020
Why Kate's Exec Order enacting Cap and Tax concepts is likely unconstitutional: It's a big risk for her as WA Gov Inslee tried the same thing and most was rejected by his liberal Supreme Court https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/opinion/2020/03/13/gov-kate-brown-executive-order-cap-and-trade-big-gamble-guest-opinion/5021485002/ Kate's Cap and Tax Exec Order gamble relies on an expansion of the clean fuels program: https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2020/03/oregon-climate-change-governors-plan-leans-heavily-on-supersizing-the-clean-fuels-program.html Kate may issue Emergency Ban on all restaurants and bars today: It's not constitutional folks! Don't live […]