Political Coffee 1-4-2021
Vanishing Trump votes are irrefutable: Game changer? How can over 30,000 votes in GA and 432,000 votes in PA simply vanish from official county data in those states? GA data: https://www.theepochtimes.com/georgia-election-data-shows-17650-votes-switched-from-trump-to-biden-data-scientists_3640670.html PA data: https://www.theepochtimes.com/exclusive-over-432000-votes-removed-from-trump-in-pennsylvania-data-scientists-say_3642202.html Can this turn the tide and force courts to hear actual evidence? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/01/proof_of_fraud_may_lie_in_vanishing_trump_votes.html Lawsuit against GA SOS says he allowed update Full audio and transcript of Trump’s call with GA SOS that was distorted by Washington […]