Political Coffee 4-23-2021
DHM Poll: Kate Browns disapproval rating is at 57%. Will Republicans be able to tie other Democrats to her and win swing elections? https://www.opb.org/article/2021/03/18/poll-oregonians-hold-negative-views-of-governor-mixed-on-states-covid-19-response/ Non real online poll has Stan Pulliam winning Rep Gov straw poll: https://oregoncatalyst.com/53041-pulliam-wins-oregon-catalyst-republican-governor-primary-poll.html North Carolina ‘black’ Lt. Gov destroys leftist narrative about voter suppression. https://www.theblaze.com/news/north-carolinas-lt-gov-goes-nuclear-on-insane-and-insulting-leftist-narrative-on-voter-suppression Can you be banned from state parks if you are convicted of a bias crime? Slippery slope as SB289 will be […]