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Demo Radio Techno Top Music Radio
03-05-2022 Micky Garus
Hour 1
Political Coffee 2-15-21 Jeff Kropf
Hour 2
Political Coffee 2-15-21 Jeff Kropf
How do you feel about Swamp R’s attacking Trump after his 2nd acquittal? Will you forget these Republican traitors or remember them in the coming campaigns? You are the key to nullifying McConnel’s hold on major corporate donors as millions of us can fund conservative R’s in primary campaigns which are starting now: https://thefederalist.com/2021/02/15/mcconnells-impeachment-ploy-was-not-statesmanship-but-an-attack-on-the-base-and-republicans-must-remember-it-well/
OR Dems are so scared of populist rejection of forced vaccinations of children they drop SB254. https://www.wweek.com/news/state/2021/02/14/bill-to-require-more-schoolchildren-to-be-vaccinated-for-childhood-diseases-called-off-mid-pandemic/
It’s Mitch McConnel or us: Trump has to re emerge and finish draining the swamp. https://noqreport.com/2021/02/14/the-gop-must-make-a-choice-mitch-mcconnell-or-us/
Is the Republican party a lost cause? Depends on us and Trump: https://thelibertyloft.com/the-republican-party-may-be-a-lost-cause/
Written by: Jeff Kropf
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